Open Education Week at the University of Oklahoma!

It is finally here, Open education Week at OU.  We missed the official Open Education Week – which was March 10th -14th.  We really wanted to work with the OU History of Science Department on their Women In Science Wikipedia Edit-a-thon, so we are celebrating open education this week.

We have a lot of great (hopefully) plans.  This is our first big OpenEd week at OU, and this is the first time the Libraries are hosting the events.  Here’s what we have on tap

Presentation: HTML-based eBook for Engineering Solid Mechanics – Dr. Kurt Gramoll’s presentation covers creating a specialized platform and content to support student in his engineering courses, providing students a free textbook for his courses

  • Monday, March 24th, 3:00.
  • Devon Energy Hall, Room 220.

Open Textbook viewing tables:  If you have never seen a free textbook now, is your chance.  Come view open textbooks adopted and written by OU faculty between 11 and 1:30.

  • Monday March 24th  Devon Energy, Atrium
  • Tuesday March 25th   in the Union
  • Wednesday March 26th in the South Oval (weather permitting)
  • Thursday, March 27th in Bizzell Memorial Library, First Floor Reference area

Waffles for Writers

  • Wednesday, March 26th 9 to 11 in the OU Writing Center, Wagner Hall.
  • The OU Writing Center will host their monthly Waffles for Writers with a focus on how to create and use open educational content.  Open discussion topics will include Wikipedia in the classroom, finding open images for teaching and publication, open licensing options, and open textbooks.

Women in Science Wikipedia Edit-a-thon

  • Thursday, March 27th
  • Bizzell Memorial Library, First Floor Reference area
  • To celebrate WikiWomen’s History Month and Open Education Week, participants are invited to gather together to edit and create Wikipedia entries on notable women in the history of science.
  • Sponsored by the OU History of Science Department, the OU History of Science Collections, OU Libraries and the OU Writing Center.

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